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Resume/Personal Information Form


May 2021- Current

Hospice of Lancaster and the Piedmont, (5 counties), Lancaster, South Carolina

  • Provided spiritual and emotional support for patients and families

  • Met with patients and families in their homes

  • Proficient in Medicare standards when charting


August 2020-May 2021

CaroMont Regional Heath, (435 bed, small city) Gastonia, North Carolina

  • Obtained ACPE units 2-4

  • Provided spiritual and emotional support for patients/family and staff

  • Worked as a liaison between patients/families and staff

  • Led and attended interdisciplinary staff meetings

  • Made scripture, prayer devotional books, and spiritual materials available

  • Offered bedside prayer for patients and families

  • Listened empathetically as patients process current and past grief and losses

  • Led Sunday morning church services on the psychiatric unit


Co-Pastor, August 2015-November 2019

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, (180 members, small city)  Longview, Texas

  • Led inspiring and engaembeging weekly worship services by preaching sermons on a rotating basis with Co-Pastor based on biblical texts, administering sacraments, encouraging lay leadership in worship, and praying

  • Organized and led special worship and prayer services as appropriate throughout the year, including piloting new services that as meaningful and spiritually enriching

  • Cared for the spiritual and emotional lives of people through coaching and discipleship, visiting homes and medical centers, administering home communion, sharing meals, counseling through grief and other life challenges, officiating funerals and weddings, and resolving interpersonal conflicts within the church

  • Supervised four staff members and created a healthy workplace environment that ensured the success of daily and long term operations

  • Moderated session on a rotational basis with Co-Pastor

  • Taught adult bible studies 

  • Organized and lead Vacation Bible School

  • Energized church community to be more present in our community through a variety of events including organized community prayer vigils, Blessing of the Animals, Theology on Tap, Ashes to Go, and more

  • Meet regularly with local clergy which crafted open table conversations about secular and religious topics




Work for the church


Board member for Camp Gilmont, Gilmer, Texas, 2018-2019

  • Steering committee member for 2 new fundraisers

  • Participated in visioning for the camp and conference center


Planning Team Member, Mo Ranch, Hunt, Texas, Women’s Conference, 2019

  • Assisted in recruiting leaders for workshops

  • Conducted registration and hospitality during the event


Planning Team Member and Worship Leader, Camp Gilmont, Gilmer, Texas, Women’s Conference, 2016

  • Developed a theme with other team members

  • Lead worship and communion for the women who gathered


Director of Mustard Seeds, Decatur, Georgia, 251-400 members, urban, 2010-2015

  • Selected and created appropriate curriculum

  • Coordinated programing with Associate Pastor, Christian Education Committee, and parents


Interim Director of Christian Education, Johns Creek, Georgia, 651-1,000 members, suburban, 2014

  • Led the formation of new church programs and small groups for young families and prayer

  • Organized Vacation Bible School including teachers, stations, and participants


Workshop leader, Peacemaking Partnership of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta, 2013

  • Facilitated workshop on how to use social media in the church effectively

  • Taught common social media jargon to aid clergy and lay people in church settings


Clinical Pastoral Education Intern, Atlanta Veteran Affairs Medical Center, Atlanta, Georgia, 2012

  • Participated in Association of Clinical Pastoral Education program by leading and learning in education, submitting verbatims, and contributing in group time

  • Served Cardiology Unit, Heart Lab, ER, and ER Annex


Deacon, Salt Lake City, Utah, 101-250 members, suburban, 2007-2008

  • Regularly called and supported a group of church members

  • Purchased flowers for weddings and funerals

  • Reported any areas of concern to Pastor






Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia

            Master of Divinity, 2013


Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia

            Master of Arts in Practical Theology, emphasis in Pastoral Care, 2013 


University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

            Bachelor of Science, Psychology



2020, Synod of Lakes and Prairies, St. Louis, Missouri 

    Art of Transitional Ministry


2019, 2017-2015 Mo Ranch, Hunt, Texas

    Couples in Ministry Conference


2019, Lake Logan Episcopal Conference Center, Canton, North Carolina

     Board of Pensions, CREDO


2018, Solomon Episcopal Retreat Center, Loranger, Louisiana

            Board of Pensions, CREDO


2016, Atlanta, Georgia

            Festival of Homiletics


2015-2013, Montreat, North Carolina

    Annual Recreation Workshop


2012, Columbia Theological Seminary Lifelong Learning, Decatur, Georgia

            Knowing Thy Neighbor

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