Faith Statement
I believe that much of faith is a holy mystery. I believe that the little pieces of certain faith are sewn together with threads of hope. My own tapestry includes a God who revealed Godself to the world as three persons and yet one: the Parent, Son, and Holy Spirit, distinct yet inseparable.
I believe that God desired to make a good world and did so out of nothing. The scriptures teach of God’s love from the beginning. God created all things seen and unseen and continues to create over time, despite human sin, because of God’s abounding love and grace. I believe that God throughout the arching timeline of creation has used many people to bring news of God to earth.
Through God, Mary became pregnant and gave birth to the holy Christ child, and Joseph named him Jesus. While on earth Christ taught about, and disciples recorded, a God who loves us and desires us to love each other: “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Christ was crucified because of his message of love required a vulnerability that is difficult for us to confront. When Jesus’ tomb was found to be empty on Easter morning, the women were told to go and tell the others of the risen Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are able to follow this instruction of evangelism.
It is also by the Holy Spirit that we are justified by faith, allowed to hear the scriptures, form our prayers, and be sealed to the sacraments. The Holy Spirit has been present on earth since its first breath and was introduced to the disciples at Pentecost. The Holy Spirit enables us with many good gifts that equip the saints for ministry. I believe that it is all we can do as humans to sin and fall short of God. When we fail and our pitchers are empty, God will not only catch us but also will overflow our souls us with grace, love, and understanding. For this reason we gather together for worship and praise God’s mighty works.
Church is an essential part of faith because it is where we live out our faith upon the strong rock that is Jesus. This is done by seeking justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God as one body because of the grace, love, and mercy of the Holy Trinity. Church is also where together we come to the table and to the font as we partake of the sign and seals that make God known to us.
As we live as Christians in the world, I believe that we must be faithful in our action, seeking always to live as Christ teaches. I believe Christian hope remains in the resurrection of Jesus and in the empty tomb. I believe to be a Christian is not just to experience the forgiving grace of God for sinful people; it is to experience the renewing grace of God that empowers people to get up and move into a joyful service until Christ comes again.